Presidency à la Erdogan: A Perspective on the System of Government and the Future of Turkey
Blog Article

Presidency à la Erdogan: A Perspective on the System of Government and the Future of Turkey

By Gonenc Uysal: Turkey had increasingly staged discussions about the system of government when Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that Turkey should have presidency in November 2012[1] (the Turkish system of government is located between parliamentarism and semi-presidentialism).[2] Although the system is parliamentarian, the Constitution of 1982 broadened the President’s fundamental executive, legislative and juridical competences … Continue reading


Strife Announcement: Positions on Strife editorial board open for applications

Thanks to the hard work of our contributors and the enthusiastic support of our readers and collaborators, strife is continuously growing. Accordingly, we are seeking a number of talented and enthusiastic individuals to join our editorial board for the 2014-2015 academic year. . We are currently accepting applications for the following posts: . · Webmaster … Continue reading

Call for papers: A world in flux?  Analysis and prospects for the U.S. in global security
Announcement / Call for Papers

Call for papers: A world in flux? Analysis and prospects for the U.S. in global security

A world in flux? Analysis and prospects for the U.S. in global security Call for papers US Foreign Policy Research Group and Strife first annual conference March 4, 2015 at King’s College London The world is in an increasing state of flux. Growing concerns over the rise of Islamic State and international tensions over Ukraine … Continue reading

Canada’s NATO response: A missed opportunity
Blog Article

Canada’s NATO response: A missed opportunity

By Zachary Wolfraim: Earlier this May I analysed Canada’s tentative re-engagement with NATO given its full-throated defence of Ukrainian sovereignty and its commitment of military assets to NATO’s reassurance mission in Eastern Europe. The deployment of F-18s, the participation of a Canadian frigate in NATO’s Standing Naval Maritime Group, as well as additional headquarters staff, … Continue reading