1. Peer review policy
Strife is a refereed journal. The manuscripts are reviewed initially by the editors and only those papers that seem likely to meet the required standards of the journal, and fit within the aims and scope of the same, will be sent for peer-review.
2. Article types
Strife publishes articles on the theme of ‘conflict’, broadly defined. Contributions may include the study of conflict in history, art and media, the relationship between war and state, and war and society, papers on strategy and tactics, diplomacy and international relations, as well as more narrowly defined subjects. There is no restriction as to period or geographical focus.
As a rule, the topic selection is freely in the hands of the contributor, as long as it agrees with the thematic profile of the journal. From time to time, the editorial committee may suggest topics or give a specific thematic boundary; however, this will not be binding.
In addition, Strife publishes review articles and book reviews.
3. How to submit your paper
All submissions to Strife should be made electronically, in MS Word, e-mailed as an attachment to [email protected]. Your e-mail should be clearly marked with the words ‘Journal article’ or ‘Journal Book Review’ in the title. Please include five or six keywords with your submission and (for articles) an abstract of up to 100 words. Images are not to be inserted into the text, but are to be sent as a separate attachment. Please indicate their position in the text by [image 1: <caption>]. You are responsible for obtaining the publication rights for the images you want to submit with your work.
If you would like to consult about topic selection or to propose a specific topic, you can forward your questions or suggestions to the editorial team on [email protected].
4. Other conventions
Articles should be between 3,500-4,500 words in length. Book reviews should be between 1000-1500 words. Although generally a matter of editorial discretion, larger pieces will be considered only in exceptional situations.
Articles shorter than 3,500 words will not be accepted. Book reviews submissions shorter than 1000 words may still be considered for publication on the Strife blog.
Required information
- Title of the article, set in bold, ranged left and unjustified.
- For book reviews, full bibliographical data, including ISBN and price (for both paperback and hard-cover edition, if applicable), set in bold, ranged left and unjustified.
- Name of the author or authors directly below the title, followed by institution affiliation, if applicable.
- Five or six keywords.
- Abstract of up to 100 words.
- These should be separated from the text by two carriage returns.
- The text should be double-spaced, with the margins on both sides set to 3cm.
- Preferred fonts are Times New Roman and Book Antiqua, with font size 12.
- Roman, bold and italic type can be used, but use of typeface and size should be consistent throughout the paper.
- Capitals should be used only where they are to appear in the finished text.
- The text should be ranged left and unjustified, with no hyphenation.
- Indents, underlining and tabs should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
- There should be only one space between words and only one space after any punctuation.
- UK spellings for all articles, wherever the author is based. See the style guide below for further details.
- Strife prefers ‘First World War’ to ‘World War I’, and ‘Second World War’ to ‘World War II’.
- Imported foreign terms and expressions in Latin should be italicised.
- Spellings in quoted texts should not be altered. If they are obviously incorrect, insert [sic].
- Quotations inside a narrative sentence should close with a full stop after the speech marks. Sentences which finish inside a quotation should be punctuated in the normal way, followed by speech marks. For example: Jill said, ‘It was a nice day’. BUT Jill said, ‘it is now raining. It was a nice day.’
Speech/quotation marks
Strife prefers single speech marks for quotations, and double speech marks for quotations within quotations.
5. Referencing
All references should be presented as footnotes, not endnotes. Strife follows a custom version of Oxford note format for footnotes.
For books
M. Hardt & A. Negri, Empire, Harvard University Press, 2001, p. 154.
Subsequent citations: Hardt & Negri, p. 167. If immediately subsequent: Ibid, p. 168.
For book chapters
A. Kawar, ‘Palestinian Women’s Activism after Oslo’, in Sabbagh, Suha, Palestinian Women of Gaza and the West Bank, Indiana University Press, 1998, p. 237.
Subsequent citations: Kawar, p. 237. If immediately subsequent: Ibid, p. 237.
For journal papers
T. Barkawi & M. Laffey, ‘Retrieving the imperial: empire and international relations’, in Millennium-Journal of International Studies, vol. 31, 2002, p. 110.
Subsequent citations of the same: Barkawi and Laffey, p. 124. If immediately subsequent: Ibid, p. 168.
6. Acknowledgements and Permissions
Any acknowledgements should appear as an extra-footnote marked by an asterisk (*) after the title of your article. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an ‘Acknowledgements’ section. Examples of those who might be acknowledged include a person who provided purely technical help, writing assistance, or a department chair who provided only general support. Authors should disclose whether they had any writing assistance.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustrations, tables, figures or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.