Strife’s Series Editors regularly publish series analysing some of the most pressing and timely issues of our day. Our aim is to offer a deeper approach to each topic from some of the best and brightest in our department and beyond. You can also find the series featured in past editions of Strife Journal.
Strife Series on Counter-Terrorism in Modern Warfare (November 2020)
Strife Series on Counter-Terrorism in Modern Warfare: Introduction - Joanna Lancashire
Strife Series on Counter-Terrorism in Modern Warfare (Part 1) - Lucía Ruiz Vila
Strife Series on Counter-Terrorism in Modern Warfare (Part 2) - Anahad Kaur Khangura
Strife Series on Counter-Terrorism in Modern Warfare (Part 3) - Joanna Lancashire
Strife Series on Climate Change and Conflict (September 2020)
Strife Series on Climate Change and Conflict: Introduction - Gemma MacIntyre
Strife Series on Climate Change and Conflict (Part I) - Annabelle Green
Strife Series on Climate Change and Conflict (Part II) - Anatol Lieven
Strife Series on Climate Change and Conflict (Part III) - Eloise Judd
Strife Series on Climate Change and Conflict (Part IV) - Musab Alnour Ibrahim
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today (May 2020)
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today: Introduction - Anna Plunkett
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today (Part I) - Elisabeth Beck
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today (Part II) - Hannah Rose
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today (Part III) - Karla Drpić
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today (Part IV) - Mariana Boujikian
Strife Series on Genocide and its Relevance Today (Part V) - Anna Plunkett
Strife Series on Human Rights, Security, and Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific (March 2020)
Strife Series on Human Rights, Security, and Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific: Introduction – Anna Tan
Strife Series on Human Rights, Security, and Diplomacy in the Asia Pacific (Part I): China’s Turbulent Year: 2019 – Kerry Brown
The Funding of Terrorism (August 2019)
Introduction to the Series on the Funding of Terrorism - Alexandra Roberts
The Funding of Terrorism (Part I): Hookahs and Honey: Funding Terrorism through ‘Benign’ Activities - Ian Ralby
The Funding of Terrorism (Part II): Terrorist Financing Hidden among Commercial Ties: Venezuela, Iran and Hezbollah - Vanessa Neumann
The Funding of Terrorism (Part III): America Needs a New Economic Patriot Act - Michael Greenwald
The Funding of Terrorism (Part IV): A Trust Deficit is Undermining the Investigation of Terrorist Financing across MENA - Jack Watling
Cyberwarfare and State Perspectives (July 2018)
Introduction to the Series on Cyberwarfare and State Perspectives: Strategic effectiveness in Cyberspace – Shivali Bhatt
Cyberwarfare and State Perspectives (Part I): Offensive Cyber Capabilities and Medium Powers: Two Case Studies – Andreas Haggman
Cyberwarfare and State Perspectives (Part III): The argument for a more critical analysis on the United States – Shivali Bhatt
United Nations Peacekeeping (March - April 2018)
Introduction to the Series on UN Peacekeeping: Peacekeeping has never been harder – Felix Manig
UN Peacekeeping (Part I): The Fate of UN Peacekeeping and the Changing Tides of Geopolitics – Dr Samir Puri
UN Peacekeeping (Part II): Security Challenges in UN Peacekeeping Operations: How Best to “Fight Back”? – Lenoy Barkai
UN Peacekeeping (Part III): Bystanders for 7 years – is the UN ready for a peacekeeping mission in Syria? – Diego Salama and Ortrun Merkle
UN Peacekeeping (Part IV): Lessons Through a Gender Lens: The Efforts and Failures of UNMISS – Caitlyn OFlaherty
UN Peacekeeping (Part V): The Future of UN Peacekeeping Operations – Felix Manig
National Perspectives in North-East Asian Rivalries (January 2018)
Introduction to the Series on National Perspectives in North-East Asian Rivalries: One Region, Different Standpoints – Andrea Fischetti
National Perspectives in North-East Asian Rivalries (Part I): The View from Pyongyang – Ashley Ryan
National Perspectives in North-East Asian Rivalries (Part II): The View from Tokyo – Andrea Fischetti
National Perspectives in North-East Asian Rivalries (Part IV): Pyongyang, the View from Beijing – Riccardo Cociani
British Security Post-Brexit (March 2017)
British Security Post-Brexit (Part I): Brexit, Empire and British Security – Dr Samir Puri
British Security Post-Brexit (Part II): Stormy Seas: The UK-US Relationship under Trump – Christina Dutton
British Security Post-Brexit (Part III): Security implications of post-Brexit asylum laws – Felix Manig
British Security Post-Brexit (Part IV): Hard Brexit & Europe’s Foreign Policy Challenges – Aaron Burnett
British Security Post-Brexit (Part V): Brexit Defence Implications: Mind the Gap – Alfonc Rakaj
Counterterrorism and Human Rights (January 2017)
Introduction to the Series on Counterterrorism and Human Rights: Managing a delicate relationship - Felix Manig
Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part I): Countering terror in a liberal democratic state: a case of norm contestation - Lenoy Barkai
Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part II): Divergent counterterrorism strategies in France and the UK - Felix Manig
Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part III): Silencing political dissent through counterterrorism measures in Bangladesh - Athul Menath
Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part IV): Balances, trade-offs and divisions of labour in the strategy of countering terrorism - Dr Samir Puri
Counterterrorism and Human Rights (Part V): A perpetual state of emergency: the case of France - Silvia Sclafani
Grand Strategy (December 2016)
Introduction to the series on Grand Strategy - Whither Grand Strategy - John A. Pennell
Grand Strategy (Part I): Donald Trump’s grand strategy - Brian Babb
Grand Strategy (Part II): Is Trump saying “Sayonara” to U.S. Grand Strategy in East Asia? - Andrea Fischetti
Grand Strategy (Part III): What a Trump victory means for South Asia - Jonata Anicetti
Grand Strategy (Part IV): Implications of Trump’s Grand Strategy for U.S. Military Engagement in Africa - Tony Manganello
Grand Strategy (Part V): A Machiavellian approach towards Mexico’s strategic dilemmas - Alexis Herrera
Cybersecurity in Practice (November 2016)

Cybersecurity in Practice (Introduction): Outside the Mainstream - Managing Editor Cheng Lai Ki
Cybersecurity in Practice (Part I): Software Power - Marcelo A.O. Malagutti
Cybersecurity in Practice (Part II): Cybersecurity of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles - Arthur Laudrain
Cybersecurity in Practice (Part III): PWNED Maritime Systems - Cheng Lai Ki
Cybersecurity in Practice (Part IV): Realities and Importance of effective Cyber Crisis-Management infrastructures - Nicolas Castellon
Cybersecurity in Practive (Part V): Securing the Digital Frontier - Cheng Lai Ki
Resource-Induced Conflicts (September 2016)
Resource-Induced Conflicts, Introduction to the Series - Series Editor Annabelle Vuille
Resource-Induced Conflicts, Part I: Resources Wars - Jasper Humphreys
Resource-Induced Conflicts, Part II: Petro-violence in the Niger Delta - Siri Aas Rustad and Cyril Obi
Resource-Induced Conflicts, Part III: To Frack or Not To Frack? - Sourojeet Chakraborty
Resource-Induced Conflicts, Part IV: Society, Resources and Conflict in Yemen - Dr. Charles Schmitz
Resource-Induced Conflicts, Part V: Valuable Natural Resources and Transparency - Päivi Lujala
PROXY capabilities: PMCs, militaries, and intelligence on the modern battlefield (April 2016)
PROXY capabilities, Part I: A renewed strategy of the 21st century - Series Editor Cheng Lai Ki
PROXY capabilities, Part II: The history and future of Russian private military companies - Gregory Wilson
PROXY capabilities, Part III: Proliferation and patronage: UAV diffusion as a new form of proxy - Rian Whitton
PROXY capabilities, Part IV: Spying by Proxy - The Privatisation of Surveillance - Saher Naumaan
PROXY capabilities, Part V: Costs and burden sharing in draft Investigatory Powers bill - The battle between the Home Office and communication service providers - Mustafa Batuhan Albas
PROXY capabilities, Part VI: A helping hand in the struggle against terrorist cyber-activity - Elmer Hernandez
The role of water in human conflict and politics (March 2016)
Dripping tap in India. South Asia is relatively abundant in water resources, but it is not always distributed efficiently or equitably. (Image by Paula Hanasz, 2014)
Water in human conflict, Part I: Water, a well-spring of conflict? - Paula Hanasz
Water in human conflict, Part II: Dams as centaurs - Fillipo Menga
Water in human conflict, Part III: Transboundary rivers and climate change: Testing times for hydro-diplomacy to attain and maintain cooperation - Prof. Ashok Swain
Water in human conflict Part IV: ISIS and the flood: or the hydro-politics behind the rise (and fall) of Daesh - Series Editor Harris Kuemmerle
Organized crime and terrorism (February 2016)

Organised crime and terrorism, Part I: Godfathers and bombs - organized crime and terrorist tactics - Series Editor Andrea Varsori
Organised crime and terrorism, Part II: Negotiating with bombs - The Sicilian mafia’s attempts at intimidating the Italian state - Martin Stein
Organised crime and terrorism Part III: Letters from Dubai: D-Company’ and the ‘93 Mumbai terror attacks - Andrea Varsor
Organised crime and terrorism Part IV: Setting examples: Violence as communication in Mexico’s cartel war - Joe Atkins
Cyber risks to governance (August 2015)
Cyber risks to governance, Part I – Silk Road: resisting and reshaping governance - Andreas Haggman
Cyber risks to governance, Part II – The attribution game: the challenges and opportunities of cyber attribution in policymaking - Yuji Develle and Jackson Webster
Cyber risks to governance, Part III: Hyper-connectivity and its impact on state power - Series Editor Christy Quinn
Russia and the world after Ukraine (April 2015)

After Ukraine, Part I – Sleepwalking into crisis: Britain, Russia and the Ukraine - Michael Jones
After Ukraine, Part II – Russian great power vs. EU normative hegemony: What is at stake in Eastern Europe? - Conradin Weindl
After Ukraine, Part III – Polish security & Russian aggression: the return of old fears? - Andrzej Kozłowski
After Ukraine, Part IV – NATO in Scandinavia: Will Sweden and Finland join up? - Sebastian Åsberg
Financing terror (January 2015)

Financing Terror: Introduction - Series Editor Maya Ehrmann
Financing Terror, Part I: Private Kuwaiti donors in Syria’s civil war - Arne Holverscheid
Financing Terror, Part II: Pakistan as a state sponsor of terrorism - Claire Mennessier
Financing Terror, Part III: Kidnapping for ransom in the Philippines - Samuel A. Smith
Financing Terror, Part IV: Charities and terrorism in the Middle East - Drew Alyeshmerni
The good, the bad, the drones (April 2014)
The good, the bad, the drones: Introduction - Series Editor Joana Cook
Drones, Part I: Pakistan’s decade of drones (2004-2014) - Zoha Waseem
Drones, Part II: Daring to use drones. Why targeted killings are a necessary component in modern counter-insurgency campaigns - David C. Hoffman
Drones, Part III. War, peace and the spaces in between: Drones in international law - Dr. Jack McDonald
Drones, Part IV. ‘May you die in a drone strike’: Yemen, AQAP and the US drone program - Dr. Victoria Fontan
Drones series, Part V. The biopolitics of drone warfare - Daniel Møller Ølgaard
Private military and security contractors (October 2013)
PMCs Part I, Overpriced or Out of Sight: What subsistence history teaches us about contractors and tactical logistics at war - Birthe Anders
PMCs, Part II. Why becoming a Private Security Contractor cannot be explained by motivation - Alison Hawkes
PMCs, Part III. There’s a new sheriff in town – but can he keep the peace? - Birthe Anders