The King’s Student Law Review and Strife are pleased to announce the publication of the third joint, special edition of our journal under the overarching theme of ‘Law and War’.
Submissions must be relevant to the subjects that relate to the intersection between ‘Law and War’. This overarching theme encompasses a vast range of topics such as challenging the effectiveness of ‘Jus in bello‘ (international humanitarian law) in light of the ‘war on terror’, ‘rogue states’, the historical origins of the laws of conventional warfare, or on broader themes such as the legal practice in international human rights, translation of legal norms within war and martial and strategic law. In particular, the editors would be interested in contributions addressing the implications for law and war of the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit, protest movements, space exploration, and big data and AI. For examples of accepted works please see our second joint edition here.
All articles must be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length. Articles must comply with extension OSCOLA Guidelines (4th edition). Please click here for a conclusive guide. Guidance can be provided to authors unfamiliar with OSCOLA referencing requirements.
If you are interested in submitting an article for this exciting joint publication, please send the full text, as well as the required information (outlined below) to the following email address: [email protected]
Required Information
- Title of the article, set in bold, ranged left and unjustified.
- Name of the author or authors directly below the title, followed by institution affiliation, if applicable.
- Five or six keywords.
- Abstract of around 350 words
- Article of between 4,000 and 6,000 words
We will be accepting submissions until Monday 3rd August 2020 at 6pm (BST). We look forward to receiving your submissions.
The King’s Student Law Review and Strife
For any general enquiries, please contact: [email protected]
If you have any enquiries that are law-related or relate to KSLR’s work in this project or more generally, please contact: [email protected].
If you have any enquiries related to the topic of conflict more broadly or that relate to Strife’s collaboration in this project, please contact: [email protected]